Mahesh Babu’s 25th movie pre-production started. director Vamshi Paidipally is in New York along with music director Devi Sri Prasad to finalize the tunes for the movie. At present, Vamshi Paidipally and DSP have begun the musical session in New York. The regular shoot of this movie will commence in February 2018. Heroine for Mahesh Babu is yet to be finalised.
“In NEWYORK wit @directorvamshi composing 4 #MAHESH25 ! Amazing & Inspiring Script!! U wil all lov it,” Devi Sri Prasad tweeted. Devi Sri Prasad is also composing music for Mahesh Babu’s 24th movie that is being directed by Koratala Siva. The film will be produced by Dil Raju and Ashwini Dutt.
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