Minister KTR reviewed on the Hyderabad Metro at the Begumpet camp office. In that meeting he issued several directions to hyderabad metro rail officials. The HMR says to Minister that ” Because of a huge response to the Metro train, We are currently looking at the possibility of increasing the number of trains”. And also they said that comparing increasing in the passengers will try to increase the number of metro trains by February.
The minister specifically discussed in the meeting about the parking facilities requirement for metro passengers. Hence parking facilities should be set up and people are aware of the existing parking areas He also suggested to HMR officials parking facilities should be set up and make awareness to people for the existing parking areas.also he said that if any requirement.. coordinate with police officials and take their help also.
Minister KTR orders to HMR officials should take immediate action about Drinking water and sanitation in metro stations. In addition to the existing bathrooms, more bathrooms should be built immediately. June 1 deadline has been issued to the authorities to complete the metro works in the IT corridor. Special attention should be paid to especially for the benefit of most people for the high-tech city route from Ameerpet.
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