Dr. Mohan Babu starrer ‘Gayatri’ has amassed huge buzz with the release of first look posters. The versatile actor’s intense first look that was revealed for Christmas received thumping response. Hero Vishnu Manchu will be seen in yet another powerful role in ‘Gayatri’. Shriya is playing his love interest for the first time. The pair’s first look as adorable couple that was unleashed on New Year’s Day grabbed special attention. Now, makers unveiled Nikhila Vimal’s look from the film.
She can be seen in a girl-next-door look in the poster. ‘Gayatri’ is billed to be an emotional action entertainer with strong family drama. The film is directed by Madan and produced by Dr M. Mohan Babu on Sree Lakshmi Prasanna Pictures and presented by Ariaana, Viviana and Vidya Nirvana. Music is composed by SS. Thaman.
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