Superstar Mahesh Babu’s latest outing Bharat Ane Nenu has been a smashing hit and has been drawing rave reviews along with wide appreciation from all the corners. This Koratala Siva directorial focuses on the challenges people face in life and how a dynamic Chief Minister Bharat comes in to rescue the people. Telangana IT Minister KTR watched Bharat Ane Nenu in a special screening last night and could not wait to appreciate the team.
He lauded Mahesh and Koratala Siva for their efforts and he promised to participate in the film’s promotions. An interactive session with Mahesh Babu, KTR and Koratala Siva has been planned and has been shot today. Several public issues and political challenges have been discussed in the interactive session today. Before this KTR took twitter to laud Mahesh and Koratala Siva about Bharat Ane Nenu. Mahesh was delighted and he thanked KTR for his words.
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