From Dasari Narayana Rao to Koratala Siva, Tollywood has witnessed many writers turned directors. Following the path, yet another writer is all set to make his directorial debut and he is ‘Diamond’ Ratnababu. Having worked as a ‘ghost’ writer for energetic star Ram’s debut film ‘Devadas’ Ratnababu went on to be part of many successful films likes ‘Seema Sasty’ ‘Pilla Nuvvu Leni Jeevitham’ ‘Selfie Raja’ ‘Eedorakam Aadorakam’ and the latest is Mohan Babu’s ‘Gayatri.’
For his maiden directorial, Ratnababu has prepared a different genre, loaded with ample of entertainment. Hero Aadi Saikumar has given nod for the film in a single sitting and very soon the shooting is going to begin. New production house, Deepala Arts banner will be producing the movie.
The cast and crew details will be announced shortly.
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