Nandamuri Balakrishna’s #NBK102 has one more glamorous attraction. Malayalam actress Natasha Doshi has joined Balayya Babu as one more heroine in the ongoing schedule under KS Ravikumar direction. As we informed earlier, Nayantara joined the shoot before and now Natasha Doshi took part in the whole massive schedule happening in RFC and other Hyderabad locations.
“Natasha Doshi is well known to audience with Malayalam films like Manthiran, Hide and Seek. She is debuting into Tollywood with a meaty role in our film. Natasha is thrilled to work with great actor like Balakrishna and star director like KS Ravikumar. At the same time she is learning so many things.
Important scenes on Balakrishna and Natasha are shot. Along with them, there are lead artists like Prakash Raj, Jayaprakash Reddy in our CK Entertainments Pvt Ltd Production No 5,” said producer C Kalyan.
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