Varun Tej, who impressed fans with romantic comedy Fidaa mid this year. Varun Tej will next be seen in a romantic film, which will be directed by debutante Venky Atluri. The first look poster along with the title was unveiled on Monday. The film has been titled Tholiprema, which will have Raashi Khanna as the female lead. a film by the same title was made back in 1998 with Pawan Kalyan as the lead hero. The film had gone on to become a great box-office success and had won lot of love and appreciation for the power-star.
Currently, the final shots of Tholi Prema are still being shot and it will go in the post production stage by the end of December or early January, and be ready for a February 9th release, in time for Valentine’s Day. What did you think of Varun Tej’s Tholi Prema first look? Comment below and let us know.
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